We strive to love as Jesus did

Updated on March 4, 2025

Announcing our all-new Revisionist History Website

Don't be hoodwinked by the Hitlerists: Important anti-Nazi resources online

Independent History and Research is a pro-Semitic institution. "Salvation is of the Jews"

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King-Kill/33 is here

Twilight Language, softcover, 343 pages


The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome
Learn more about this extraordinary history

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Our New Website

The Holocaust in Gaza

Our first ever twelve month 2025 Revisionist History® Calendar
Compiled by Michael Hoffman based on his extensive research. 365 entries restoring in many cases the memory of people and events the Cryptocracy has worked to suppress. This is a wonderful gift for the truth seeker in your life!

Michael Hoffman interviewed by Greg Carlwood on The Higher Side podcast: "Cryptocracy, Twilight Language and Psychodrama Rituals"

All that Blood: Why I Did Not Vote for Trump. I cast my ballot for the Constitution Party

Anatomy of a Hate Crime: Police in Massachusetts Seize Flyers Protesting Massacres in Gaza and Lebanon

The Gospel According to Laurent Guyénot: The Neo-Nazi Attack on the Bible
The Suppression of Yahweh’s Name in Christendom and the misuse of Yahweh’s Name in the Ceremonial Sorcery of the Western Secret Societies

Archive of more than 100 articles by Michael Hoffman published online beginning in 1996

Hoffman's statement published in the New York Review of Books contra Harvard University’s Stephen Greenblatt


“Mr. Hoffman is one of the most important independent thinkers writing in the English language.”
— Darrell Hamamoto, PhD., Emeritus Professor, University of California at Davis

Index to Michael's book Usury in Christendom

They use abortion to exterminate the disabled

Dossiers on the Thought Police

Wikipeda is a "badly biased" source of information

“The Southern Poverty Law Center is the nation’s leading anti-American and anti-Christian hate group.” -Ann Coulter, syndicated columnist, October 1, 2020

New questions about the Southern Poverty Law Center's irresponsible smears and libel

Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a hate-mongering scam
The ADL's Defamatory Fantasies about Michael Hoffman

Refuting a scurrilous lie:
Independent History and Research is not a "holocaust denial" organization


The principal victims of Talmudism and Zionism are Judaic persons themselves—subject to hatred and execution as a “rodef” for radically dissenting, as did Yitzhak Rabin before he was murdered. Michael Hoffman's two books about Judaism exist first and foremost for the liberation of Judaic people. This liberation is a thought crime in the eyes of the Orwellian ADL and SPLC, who pressure social media and Amazon to ban these liberating books as "hate" in order to keep Judaic people in bondage. But where is the hate?


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