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The Occult Renaissance Church of
723 pages. Second edition. Illustrated with 42 rare
(The book is an invaluable illustrative resource).
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Michael Hoffman
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the archetypal “Catholic” figures in the
era who embodied
the Neoplatonic-Hermetic and Kabbalistic mandate of the
papacy in the Renaissance, among the most prominent are two
Frenchmen, Alphonse Louis Constant (1810-1875), who wrote
under the pen name Éliphas Lévi, and Pope John Paul
II’s Cardinal Henri de Lubac. We have a study of De
Lubac's esotericism in the book.
Regarding Lévi, he truly was a spectacular modern
embodiment of the occult depravity of popery as it was
overthrowing the Catholic Church, beginning in the 15th
century. He was ordained a deacon of the Church of Rome,
spreading his contagion from within its corridors, under
Pope Pius IX. He remains the focus of intense interest and
study by 21st century occultists, including
“traditional Catholics.” What is perhaps most
revealing about Lévi’s life is that in spite of his
very public heresies of syncretism and demonism,
he was
never disciplined by Rome. He was
considered an “always faithful Catholic,” as
one leading spokesman of the “traditional
Catholic” movement termed him in the 1990s.
The record shows that Lévi was patronized by the hierarchy
and never obstructed by any formal Church authority. It was
smooth sailing for this Hermetic-Kabbalist inside the
Church of Rome. This repeats a pattern from the
Renaissance, when papist-Kabbalists, Hermeticists and
Neoplatonists escaped serious interdict, and in many cases
were promoted by the popes, as long as they firmly stood
for popery and did not challenge the suzerainty of the
Papist-occultists often went to extremes to prove their
loyalty (flattery being an effective subversion tool).
Increasing pride in priests and megalomania in popes is a
diabolic means for perverting and subverting the men who
hold those offices. Concerning priests, Lévi wrote,
“Representing the moral authority, and realizing it
by the moral authority of its ministry, the priesthood is
as holy and infallible as humanity is subject to vice and
to error. The priest, qua
priest, is
always the representative of God.” This inflated
image is an inducement to the sin of pride in priests, and
a mark of the clericalism in the Catholic Right-wing.
Of the demonic Pope Alexander VI, Lévi wrote, “When
Alexander VI consecrated his bishops, it was not the
poisoner who laid his hands upon them, it was the
Pope.” In other words, even though Alexander turned a
blind eye (or cooperated with) the murderous crimes of his
Borgia offspring, Lévi is insinuating that the Pope himself
did no harm to the Faith. Lévi repeats Rome’s
standard apologetic story about skirt-chasers like the
Borgia-Pope Alexander, i.e. that of all his transgressions
none of them ever subverted the dogma of the Church. For
this imposture to have plausibility, only what the Pope
pronounced and wrote, and little or nothing of what
he perpetrated
and institutionalized, is taken into
account. The story line as parroted by Lévi: “Pope
Alexander VI never corrupted or falsified the dogmas which
condemned him, or the sacraments which in his hands saved
others, and did not justify him.” This is an
from a
diabolist and it’s the same exculpation of Pope
Alexander which many sincere and “well-read’
Catholics mouth in defense of him, and other concupiscent
pontiffs like him.
Yet to mouth it is wishful thinking grounded in ignorance
of history. Pope Alexander powered the Neoplatonic-Hermetic
occult inside the Church. Can it be said that this act of a
Judas was not a corruption of Catholic dogma? Since the
rule of prayer is the rule of belief (“Lex
orandi, lex credendi”), it is not
difficult to discern what Pope Alexander believed when we
learn that he established a pagan temple in his very own
papal apartment, presided over by a host of magnificent art
works, but dominated by two images: Isis, the goddess of
black magic, and Hermes Trismegistus, the embodiment of
Egyptian sorcery. These two occult idols were the
“always-orthodox Catholic” Pope Alexander
VI’s guiding spirits, in whose presence inside
Vatican City he initiated members of the ecclesiastic
hierarchy, Catholic university professors, bankers and
royalty. Hermes was the unifying symbol and image of
Catholic occultism throughout the Renaissance. Yet, while
condemning the Borgia pontiff’s lusts and violence,
Catholics maintain that he “preserved the Faith
untouched.” The “traditional Catholics,”
who often strain at theological gnats, have here swallowed
a camel.
The Second Vatican Council and Popes Paul VI, John-Paul II,
Benedict XVI and Francis, are merely the public Revelation
of the Method manifestations in our post-modernist era, of
the previously hidden theology of hell, which began to rule
over Rome after 1450; that rule was advanced exponentially
through Alexander VI’s exculpation and blessing on
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, who was a kind of one-man
papist theological virus.
Of all the
outstanding personalities of the Renaissance, from
Michelangelo to Pope Pius V, from Luther and Calvin to
Queen Elizabeth I, no single individual of that era can
begin to approach the influence of Pico. Historian Frances
Yates observed, “The profound significance of Pico
della Mirandola in the history of humanity can hardly be
overestimated. He it was who first boldly formulated a new
position for European man, man as Magus using both
act upon the world, to control his destiny by science. And
in Pico, the organic link with religion of the emergence of
the Magus can be studied at its source.”
Pico was, more than any other figure in this era,
responsible for forging a magical tradition in early modern
Europe which fostered the growth of mechanical science.
There are traps for the unwary in the history of the Church
which have obstructed our ability to perceive these
mysteries. The purpose of my work is to expand horizons, so
as to understand how limited has been our recognition of
illusion and misdirection. Plethon,
Ficino, Pico, Reuchlin and the popes, cardinals, bishops
and bankers who assisted and shielded them, propelled,
first in the ecclesiastical underground, the movements that
would become man-playing-god scientism, Rosicrucianism and
The futuristic reign of machines, of “dead
matter” over human life, was inculcated by the papist
cult that enshrined it, beginning in Medici Florence with
the Asclepius
text attributed
to Hermes Trismegistus, and the Oratio de
hominis dignitate of Pico della
Mirandola, later blueprinted by the Protestant Astrologer
Royal, Dr. John Dee. It is one of the more profound ironies
in the history of the western secret societies, that
artificial machine intelligence in the 21st century
originated with the Hermetic and Kabbalistic concept of the
“ensouling” of statues, a doctrine nurtured by
the papacy’s Renaissance magical tradition.
In the case of Pico’s Judaic handler, Flavius
Mithridates, this was accomplished through the protection
and promotion granted to Flavius by Pope Innocent VIII.
With regard to Pico, Pope Alexander VI exonerated him of
all imputations of heresy, in the Pope’s
June 18, 1493. It is at this momentous historical
juncture—which has proved invisible to the approved
writers of the “classic Catholic histories,”
and nearly three centuries before Rousseau and
Kant—that a malevolent spirit was unleashed upon the
Catholic world, emerging blatantly in the documents of the
Second Vatican Council. No less than Pope John-Paul
II’s most revered cardinal-theologian bore witness to
this astonishing fact in a book published in France, which
was influential among the hierarchy, but otherwise
languished in obscurity, neglected by those who insist
there is no such phenomenon as a Renaissance occult papacy.
The book was never translated into English by any
enterprising researcher in all the annals of
“conservative” and “traditional”
Catholic scholarship, or by any Protestant sleuth, until we
commissioned a translation of this key text for exposition
in The Occult
Renaissance Church of Rome. A writer is
deserving of the honorable title of historian only if he
devotes his life’s work to leaving no stone unturned.
Furthermore, “Conservative” and
“traditional Catholics” prepared for the 500th
anniversary of the Reformation in October, 2017 by
attempting to tear Luther to shreds. Rip him to pieces if
you think he deserves it, and if your attack is truthful,
then fine. But beware: Rome’s operation of error has
mounted more illusions than many people can
imagine. Data strongly
points to the papacy having secretly provoked Luther to
break away. The record shows that he did not start out on
his path of reform as a rebel. He was at first a
scandalized Augustinian monk, seeking answers about the
traffic in fake relics and the sale of indulgences. In some
respects he nearly went mad with grief over the usurious
money-gluttony in the Church, yet some Catholics have dared
to pin the tail of money-greed on the Lutheran donkey,
which is an outrageous fraud.
The sale of indulgences was intimately linked to a
historical truth of which few Catholics are aware: the
largest usury bank in the western world was behind the
indulgence racket; that fact wounded the Augustinian Luther
to his core. Before he is alleged to have affixed
his 95
Theses to the door of
Wittenberg’s church, he begged the pope and the
hierarchy to desist from that sin of money love which is
the root of all evil. They answered him with the equivalent
of spittle in his face. One need not be a Lutheran to
acknowledge this datum from the documentary record. Those
who are running amok today charging Luther with the rise of
greed in the West are victims of a papal hoax:
“...the particular ‘indulgence
scandal’...involved much more than the crude
preaching of Johannes Tetzel...Rather, Tetzel’s
activities fed into a series of fundamental practices which
financed the Church. The money raised by the preacher was
supposed to go to Rome, to pay for the rebuilding of St
Peter’s. In fact, half of it was going directly to
the Fugger banking family in Augsburg, the richest merchant
capitalists of the day, to whom (Archbishop) Albrecht of
Mainz owed money. The younger son of a powerful princely
family, Albrecht had become archbishop of Magdeburg at the
age of twenty-three. But then there had been an unexpected
vacancy in the archbishopric of Mainz, the richest of the
German sees. This was not a chance to miss...(to gain his
office) Albrecht...agreed to pay a contribution of 21,000
ducats to support the building of St Peter’s; money
he did not have.
“So he borrowed from the Fuggers, even though their
involvement in monopoly capitalism was regarded as
usury...He then moved to divert money, such as that
collected by Tetzel, into paying the debt. Luther’s
theses, in other words, not only attacked papal power, but
also...one of the most powerful people in Germany and the
richest financial house in Europe.” (Lyndal
Roper, Martin
Luther [Random House,
2016], p. 5).
The beginning of the Reformation marked the beginning of
Luther’s war against the Money Power. Why do some
Catholics believe they must run from this radical fact, or
what is worse, bear false witness and accuse Luther of the
sin of avarice of which papal Rome was guilty? The banking
House of Fugger was not Judaic. It was not Protestant. It
was thoroughly and zealously papist. In some regions of
Germany agents of the Fuggers actually were the custodians
of the indulgence lucre, transporting the money chests
while hucksters like Tetzel went from town to town
collecting the swag which fed the pope’s usury
engine. But, oh yes, it’s Lutheranism that’s to
blame for the rise of avarice in Europe! This is infantile
stuff, and it is tragic to observe so many otherwise fine
people regurgitate it, because they haven’t done
their historical homework, and wish to believe only that
which their preconceived bias permits them to believe. How
is this brain-shuttering any different from how the rabbis
approach knowledge? People who knowingly reject the truth
are rejecting the author of truth (God). They will come to
the same bad end as many rabbis.
Returning to the 19th century and Éliphas Lévi, we note
that he famously preached his syncretic
“Catholic” religion of pagan occultism
throughout France, under the nose of Pope Pius IX, the
celebrated author, in 1864, of the encyclical
Cura and its
Syllabus of
Errors. Meanwhile,
Lévi’s occult syllabi were being freely circulated
throughout the Church. Oh yes, the pope was ignorant of
Lévi’s undertakings. Oh yes, so too was the entire
hierarchy of the Church in France, and all of its agents
and informants. If you wish to believe it, be my guest.
popery derived from papist diabolists: Ficino, Pico and
Reuchlin; protected by Cardinals Viterbo and
The fact is, the ordained deacon, Rev. Mr. Lévi, was an
initiate of the Neoplatonic-Hermetic and Kabbalistic
conspiracy inside the Church of Rome. He was shielded by
powerful members of the hierarchy during the
“wonderfully conservative” and
“orthodox” pontificate of Pius IX, about whom
“traditional Catholics” say, “If only we
had a pope like him today. The conspiracy would be
Here are the words of the Right-wing arch-conspirator
Éliphas Lévi, who flourished in the pontificate of Pius IX
and was renowned for his execration of Protestantism. We
begin with the red meat he tossed to ultra-montane
Catholics and the papacy:
“To substitute human arbitrament for the legitimate
despotism of the law, to put, in other words, tyranny in
the place of authority, is the work of all Protestantism
and of all democracies. What men call liberty is the
sanction of illegitimate authority, or, rather, the fiction
of power not sanctioned by authority...
“Then, the Protestants, those eternal regulators of
anarchy, who have broken down dogma, and are trying always
to fill the void with reasonings, like the sieve of the
Danaides; these weavers of religious fantasy, all of whose
innovations are negative...those men who wish to realize
salvation by faith alone, because charity escapes them, and
who can no longer realize it, even upon the earth, for
their pretended sacraments are no longer anything but
allegorical mummeries; they no longer give grace; they no
longer make God seen and touched; they are no longer, in a
word, the signs of the almighty power of faith, but the
witnesses of the eternal impotence of doubt.” Éliphas
Lévi, The Key of
the Mysteries (London: Rider,
1959; reprinted 2013: Martino Publishing, pp. 67 and 71).
The preceding is the set-up that attempts to confirm in the
eyes of Catholics on the Right that Lévi was one of their
own. That he truly believed what he wrote about
Protestantism, we do not doubt. As noted, until the 20th
century, the overwhelming majority of Rome’s occult
diabolists proved to be champions of absolute papal
authority and the tenet of Boniface VIII in 1302, in his
Bull Una
Sanctam, “We
declare, we proclaim, we define, that it is absolutely
necessary for salvation that every human creature be
subject to the Roman Pontiff.”
Another statement from the same book by Éliphas Lévi which
contained his disparagement of Protestants:
“The Catholic, that is to say the universal, dogma
merits that magnificent name by harmonizing in one, all the
religious aspirations of the world; with Moses and Mohammed
it affirms the unity of God; with Zoroaster, Hermes, and
Plato, it recognizes in Him the infinite trinity of its own
regeneration; it reconciles the living numbers of
Pythagoras with the monadic Word of St.
much, science and reason will agree. It is then in the eyes
of reason and of science themselves the most perfect, that
is to say the most complete, dogma which has ever been
produced in the world” (The Key of
the Mysteries, p. 66).
This is a curious melting pot for an ultra-montane,
Protestant-despising, super-Catholic to adopt: "with
Moses and
Mohammed;" and
"with Zoroaster, Hermes and Plato."
Zoroaster, Hermes and Plato feature prominently in
The Occult
Renaissance Church of Rome. They are the
tutelary deities of the papalolatrous conspiracy that
substituted a robber Church for the Church of Jesus Christ.
This infernal Trinity has been the esoteric lode star of
popes, cardinals and bishops for five
(Lévi's role in inspiring Satanic feminism is
studied in Revisionist
History® newsletter no. 94).
These facts and many other multifaceted dimensions of a
conspiracy that has never before been recounted, and in
some cases, never even
imagined, await
the reader of this book.
Hoffman is a leading scholar of the western secret
societies and the history of ideology in early modern
Europe and Britain. He is the author of
Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was
and Now is Not,
and the
editor of the periodical, Revisionist History®.
The Occult Renaissance Church of
Table of contents: More Catholic
than the Pope; Neoplatonic Hermeticism; The Serpent in the
Garden of the Quattrocento; The Priest and the Platonists;
Pope Alexander’s Wizard; Bonfire of the Verities; The
Sorcerer Abbott; Reuchlin’s Revolution; Renaissance
High Art: An Initiation; The Grand Egyptian Lodge of
Vatican City; The Cabal’s Co-conspirators; The Moral
Theology of Mental Reservation and Equivocation in the
Church of Rome; Ecclesiastical Sodomy and its Root; The
Hermetic Prince of the Second Vatican Council;
Neoplatonic-Hermetic Kabbalism in the Modern Era; The
Breeders of Money Gain Dominion over the Church of Rome; A
Prophecy Fulfilled; An Occult Miscellany; The Influence of
Neoplatonic Thought on Freemasonry.
A sampling of
sections: The
Protestant Isis and the Papal Isis; Advancing Satan’s
kingdom with a wink and a nod; Vatican Council
I—Pastor aeternus; Popes on Papal authority; When
white is not white and black is not black according to the
Jesuits; Revolutionary overthrow by pastoral means; Plato
Hermeticised; The Magi: A Cautionary Tale; The Inquisition
in Legend and Reality; Judaizing: Distinctions and
Definitions; Origins of the Illuminati. The Pyramid and
Obelisk Men; Michelangelo’s Conspiracy; Pornographic
secrets of the Sistine Chapel; Ritual Murder at
Bernini’s colonnade; Talmudic oath-breaking: a
pattern for the Church of Rome; The Patron Saint of Liars
and Thieves; Secret Approval for Contraception. The Cremona
Conspiracy; Child oblation; Sodomy and the Natural Law;
Scripture twisting; Occult reincarnation; Reuchlin’s
papist denial of the Judaic curse on Christians; Henri de
Lubac’s Renaissance-Kabbalist magus; The Hermetic
“Traditional Catholic” movement; Tridentine
Judaism; Contra the Money Power in the Arena Chapel; The
Ten Lost Sermons of St. Anthony of Padua; The Scrovegni
Penance; Brother Brandano’s Prophecy; Kabbalism in a
Catholic Bible; Pa-pa Francis and his parrot familiar; and
much more.
723 pages. Second edition.
Illustrated with 42 rare plates.
book is an invaluable illustrative
Comprehensive index.
Order here
Another massive revisionist history textbook from
Independent History and Research:
Michael Hoffman
Judaism is not a
normal adversary, it is an
exceptional recrudescence of the guile synthesized from the
accumulated intelligence of the eternal pagan psychodrama
on which it is based. One of the most refractory
intellectual and practical difficulties that scholars of
integrity face in the post-modernist era is deciding how to
apply to Judaism the same critical scrutiny to which
Christianity and Islam are subjected, without being defamed
as a "hater."
The completion of my book
Judaism Discovered: A Study of the
Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship,
Superstition and Deceit gives me the
satisfaction of knowing that I have accomplished one of
the principal missions of my life. It is the
actualization of thoughts and lines of inquiry which I
have been pursuing for years. For example, Who is a Jew?
What is the role of counterfeit "Jews"? If the
counterfeit is predominant, then this fact opens a
revolutionary vista on history, signifying that
contemporary Talmudists and Zionists are descendants of
people who were not in Palestine when Jesus was
crucified. They are representatives of the ideology that
crucified Christ, but in general, not the race. This
fact in turn disarms the race-based antipathy of the
opponents of Talmudists and Zionists, a racial animus
upon which, ironically, the rabbis and the Israelis
depend for the continued allegiance of their own
Years ago I noticed that disinformation about the Kabbalah
had been seeded - the illusion of a fissure between
Talmudism and Kabbalism was deliberately sown - using the
figure of Moses Maimonides to pretend that these two
supporting "pillars" of the Third Temple are inimical. I
searched the texts of Maimonides, however, for hidden
Kabbalistic sympathies, and found clear evidence of
Kabbalistic doctrine.
One goal in writing Judaism
Discovered has been to
transcend the current state of Talmud criticism; which is
largely centered on the repetition of a what amounts to
slogans: 1. the "Talmud defames Jesus and Mary"; 2. the
"Talmud is pornographic." There's nothing erroneous in
stating that the Talmud contains these disgusting
scurrilities, which indeed it does. The problem is, that's
where what passes for anti-Talmudic "scholarship" begins
and ends these days; there may be some brief reference
to pilpul
but the current state of Talmud and Kabbalah criticism is
mostly superficial and leaves most of the big questions
For example, very few critics seem to understand that
Judaism is neither Left wing nor Right wing; it manifests
as Leftist or Rightist at will. One moment it is the
instrumental ally of the Throne; in the next, it is the
revolutionary power that overthrows it.
I sought routes into Judaism from dozens of investigative
approaches, beginning with, pro forma, the irrefutable fact
of the existence of the Jesus and Mary Talmudic
blasphemies, and the truth that the Old Testament is not
the foundation of Judaism. I expand on these themes, based
on my original excavation in my book from 2000,
Strange Gods. It is
necessary to prove, from the rabbinic texts themselves,
that Judaism is not an Old Testament faith; and to unravel
for all time the confusing series of feints that attempt to
mislead the truth-seeker into believing that Jesus is not
in the Talmud, or that if He is, just barely.
But the Revelation of the Method being what it is in this
dispensation, even positive confirmation that the Talmud
blasphemes Our Savior and His Mother and possesses
allegiance to an extra-Biblical gnosis, has elicited
controverting apologia from prominent rabbis, all of whom
seek to "contextualize" these revelations by placing them
in a framework of a Roman Holocaust/Nazi Holocaust typology
that renders Judaism's defamation of Christianity as
"understandable" from the point of view of post-modernism's
acceptance of the rabbinic exceptionalism clause: Judaic
suffering is magnitudes above the historic experience of
other nations. Therefore, fierce rabbinic hatred for
Romans/gentiles/Christians/Europeans has at times been
understandable, if "harsh."
To overcome this exceptionalism, this writer sought to
plumb the depths of the rabbinic texts and not content
myself merely with detection of the degenerate libels of
Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary in, for example,
the Gemara.
Though we are not dealing with the "Jewish" race of
antiquity, we are dealing with a rabbinic spirit which
functions as a kind of ideological organism; an organism
which exhibits as one of its most striking features, the
ability to reinvent itself in response to the light of
exposure. When an informed researcher documents that
Judaism is "A," it becomes "B." When "B" is understood by
the public as an antithesis of Judaism's thesis "A,"
Judaism transmogrifies into synthesis "C," and so forth, in
an endless and bewildering historical metamorphosis that
has deceived and gulled generations. I have sought to
shatter this recurring shadow play.
The student of rabbinic religion who dogmatically
categorizes Orthodox Judaism as inevitably Left wing or
Right wing, Zionist or anti-Zionist, anti-Muslim or
pro-Muslim, will defeat himself and confuse all who adhere
to this erroneous proposition; a proposition which Judaism
itself is pleased to project; just as it sees the silver
lining in being regarded as the scion of those who
crucified Christ, since those malefactors were genetic
Israelites, however gravely disordered in their behavior.
The paradox here is that whoever is genetically descended
from the murderers of Jesus must be acknowledged as a
racial Jew and an Israelite, and this identification has,
throughout history, triggered the strange awe and wonder
for these supposed "Jews" which their alleged consanguinity
with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus Himself, engenders
among the gentiles, in a kind of love-hate relationship
which has been played throughout history. Even the
"Christ-killer" invective has utility for the rabbis, by
perpetuating the hunted/hounded, persecuted martyr image,
which Judaism has capitalized upon to great effect,
particularly since 1945.
What would be the point of publishing yet another dreary
"Jew-bashing" book that indelibly stigmatizes 21st century
Talmudists with the two brands they themselves have been
past masters at manipulating and cultivating: the myth of
their descent from Abraham, and the stereotype of them as
people it is our duty to hate and hound? I would not have
spent a good deal of my life investigating Judaism if I
were going to regurgitate self-defeating images which the
rabbis themselves covertly sow and perpetuate to their
advantage. Let me impart to you a signal discovery: whoever
hates Judaics perpetuates the rule of the rabbis.
It has been my objective to craft Judaism
Discovered so that there
is no possibility of a rational refutation of it. While
it's true that the book's evidence and arguments can be
twisted, misrepresented and demonized with smears and
falsification, the information in Judaism
Discovered cannot be
easily disarmed, because much of it pertains to
epistemology, e.g. Judaism's knowledge of itself and the
ways in which it responds to discovery.
If in Judaism
Discovered I have
successfully anticipated the rabbinic epistemology, then
what I teach concerning rabbinic dissimulation is valuable
not just as a history of Judaism's past, but as a guide to
rabbinic machinations and strategizing in the future. My
mission does not consist in merely conveying a set of facts
to the reader, but rather to teach how to deconstruct the
deceitful tactical and strategic feints which Judaism
wields as a response to the dissemination of accurate
knowledge about its inner doctrines.
Discovered arms the reader
to penetrate and expose the disingenuous elements of
virtually every rabbinic act of camouflage and
misdirection. If this knowledge of how to decode Judaism
were to become widespread, it could have far-ranging
consequences. It could result in a radical revision of
western culture, so steeped are "our" intelligenstia in the
pieties and platitudes of the rabbinic gestalt, which forms
a foundational narrative through which virtually all
contemporary western thinking about religion and history
are filtered.
Discovered also has the
potential to spark a revival of ancient western verities
long abandoned by supposed paragons of 20th and 21st
century "conservatism" - these "paragons" having concocted
a bastard, "Judeo-Christian family values" movement, which
is so deranged it places Orthodox rabbis at the front of
the barricades. The "conservative" mania for proclaiming a
movement for restoration of Christian culture inclusive of
Talmudic rabbis, is a betrayal of the wisdom and vision of
every Biblical prophet and every Christian saint. It is on
the basis of this desperate craving for looking good in the
eyes of the world and its media empire, that the clergy of
Christendom ally and even pray with rabbis who worship not
God but themselves.
Judaism Discovered
offers an
empiric and strictly factual discovery of Judaism's
deepest operational and spiritual secrets, and in
particular Judaism's extremely circumspect epistemology
of concealment; its chameleon-like propensity for
projecting an adapted outward image synchronized with
the prevailing zeitgeist, even while the hostile fires
of its inner volcanic core of hate, burn with an
intensity undimmed since 33 A.D.
Conversely, it has also been this writer's mission to
endeavor to remove the ground from under classical
"anti-semitism" and "Jew hate," and to show how these
brittle, senile, clichéd and programmed responses actually
fulfill the rabbinic prediction of gentile bigotry, a
prophecy which they impart to Judaic youth and by which
they maintain these unfortunate persons in bondage to
Judaism throughout their adult lives.
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