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Remembering the Zebra Victims

California Group Commemorates White Victims of Black Supremacists

by Michael A. Hoffman II Copyright©1999

The NAACP beats it boycott drum against South Carolina and in their paranoia have asked the Waco arsonists at the neo-Bolshevik "Justice" Department to determine if the display of the Confederate flag violates the civil rights of black people.

The historical illiteracy behind such demands is astonishing. The North was more "white supremacist" than the South; blacks fought in the Confederate army; many Confederate leaders were more enamored of southern Negroes than white Yankees and many like Robert E. Lee were fighting not for slavery, but for the sovereignty of their commonwealth-states against invasion by the Federal leviathan.

Presumably the NAACP regards the Stars and Stripes flag of the Federal government as benign and wholesome. However, as we go down the Bolshevik road of re-writing history and destroying landmarks, symbols and memory itself, there is no stopping the Orwellian juggernaut. What will be next? Why shouldn't American Indians demand a ban on America's Stars and Stripes flag, as a symbol of their mass murder and dispossession?

Communism is all about the eradication of memory. October 20, 1999 marks a date of great significance to American whites. It commemorates a tide of anti-white hatred that reached a crescendo of fury in the streets of San Francisco 26 years ago. Our pro-Communist press and our neo-Communist Federal government suppress all reference to this horrible chain of events, since these events testify to the fact that white people, like any other people, can be objects of hatred and homicidal violence.

Beginning in 1973, fourteen white Americans and one Caucasian-looking Arab, were gunned down by black supremacists in San Francisco. The murder spree was conducted by a faction of Black Muslims dubbed "Zebra."

Lou Calabro, a former lieutenant with the San Francisco Police Department, heads the European-American Issues Forum (EAIF) in California. His group has repeatedly asked San Francisco city leaders for a memorial plaque for the Zebra victims, to no avail.

As one might deduce from Calabro's long police career, he is not one to back down or be intimidated by the Establishment's predictable disregard for white victims of hatred and racism.

On Oct. 20, he led an automobile caravan to some of the scenes of the Zebra murders and concluded with a simple, dignified Memorial Service on the steps of the San Francisco City Hall. EAIF had invited Mayor Willie Brown, Senators Feinstein and Boxer and many other "human rights activists" and supposed "opponents of racism and hate" to attend.

Calabro's movement is the beginning of the end of the zombieism of the American white, who sheds tears for Anne Frank and Medgar Evers but has none for his own murdered kindred.

The ground is shifting in this, the Age of Clinton, because in this era we can hear the Executioner's Song, and observe that today's Zebra killers now wear FBI badges and are backed by an array of "Civil Rights" division lawyers and newsroom executives.

Communism long ago moved its headquarters to La Cesspool Grande, Washington, D.C. It will never be satisfied until whites are an enslaved minority in the nation their tough and vigilant, freedom-fighting forefathers devised and built. President Clinton has openly proclaimed and celebrated the coming minority status of American whites.

In such a slaughterhouse ambience, the adrenalin in even cows begins to pump. Lou Calabro and others like him are boldly stepping forth to revive our memory and commemorate the destruction of innocent white life by black haters who are taught to "Hate Whitey" by the System itself.

These are the names of the white victims of the black supremacists:

1. Quita Hague. Kidnapped from Chestnut and Powell. Murdered at 25th and Minnesota.

2. Frances Rose. Murdered at UC Extension Gate, Laguna St.

3. Saleem Erakat. Murdered at 400 block of Larkin, next door to Harrington's

4. Paul Dancik. Murdered at Haight St., near Buchanan and Webster.

5. Marietta DiGirolano. Murdered at Divisadero at Haight St.

6. Ilario Bertuccio. Murdered at Bancroft and Phelps.

7. Neal Moynihan. Murdered at 20-12th St. at Stevenson.

8. Mildred Hosler. Murdered at Gough, between McCoppin/Otis and Market

9. John Doe #169, found at Ocean Beach and Pacheco.

10. Tana Smith, shot on Geary at Divisadero, Died at S.F. General Hospital.

11. Vincent Wollin. Shot on Scott St.; died at S.F. General.

12. Jane Holly. Murdered at laundromat at Silver and Brussells.

13. John Bambic. Murdered on 9th St.

14.Thomas Rainwater. Murdered at 10 Bertie Minor Lane, St. Francis Square apartments, near Geary Blvd.

15.Nelson Shields IV. Murdered at 231 Vernon St.

There is an old saying from the Aryans of north India, "The loss of memory is the root of evil."

The darkness in the world is commensurate with the amnesia our enemies seek to impose on us. Let us forever light the candle of memory.

Calabro's EAIF can be reached by phone at 650-952-8489


Visit their excellent website at:

Hoffman is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press

A catalog of Mr. Hoffman's revisionist books, tapes and newsletters is available for purchase online at

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The Campaign for Radical Truth in History