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The Establishment Media: Whores for the New World Order

Associated Press Smears Conservative German Christian Activist as "Neo-Nazi"

Christians in Germany are marching to protest the constant defamation of their grandparents and the war dead of the Wehrmacht. The AP is calling them "Neo-Nazis" so as to demonize their cause. But we've caught the AP in a big lie. We've dug up their 1995 wire story on this group and compared it with their current one. The contrast makes for some interesting insight into the crooked game the Associated Press is playing.

by Michael A. Hoffman II ©1997

In an Associated Press (AP) wire story dated Aug. 11, 1995, the AP described German Christian activist Peter Gauweiler, as the "arch-conservative leader of the Munich branch of a party allied with (Helmut) Kohl..."

The AP quoted Gauweiler as having written in the German mass-circulation "Bild" periodical: "A Bavarian over whom the (Christian) cross no longer hangs has lost his soul."

The "London Telegraph" newspaper of February 26, 1997, states that an exhibition about alleged war crimes committed by the German army during the Second World War "has opened in Munich to a storm of protest and counter-protest."

The Telegraph newspaper identifies, "Peter Gauweiler, head of the Christian Social Union in the city," as the man who has written that an exhibition defaming German Wehrmacht soldiers represents part of a "campaign of annihilation against the German people....He and other (s)...laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier in Munich."

The Telegraph further states that Mr Gauweiler will lead " a demonstration against the exhibition planned for next weekend."

In an Associated Press story dated Feb. 22, 1997, Gauweiler is smeared as an "extremist...neo-Nazi" by the AP: " The display has caused a stir wherever it has gone, but nothing like the commotion in Bavaria. Neo-Nazis from across Germany plan to march in Munich on March 1 to protest the display.`'Our grandfathers were not criminals and we are proud of them,' the protest's extremist organizers said."

The protest's organizers are Peter Gauweiler and the Christian Social Union (CSU) which in 1995 the AP termed "arch-conservative," but now that the Gauweiler and the CSU seek to defend their grandfathers from the eternal vilification heaped on them by the contemporary media, the AP has conveniently transformed them into "Neo-Nazi extremists."

This gives the public the impression that any protest against even the wildest exaggerations of anti-German propagandists, is a Neo-Nazi action.

Apparently the defense of the memory and honor of one's grandparents, once considered a duty of all civilized people, has now become an inherently "neo-Nazi" and "extremist" activity.

The Associated Press uses the totalitarian propaganda tactics of the smear and the big lie to advocate the notion that there are no two sides to the issue; there is only the sacred dogma that the German people were sub-human monsters in World War Two. Any other view is beyond the pall-- is in fact "Neo-Nazi extremism."

This is not news reporting, it is partisan hysteria disguised as news. When reporting is this dogmatic it is a sign that we have entered the realm of a state religion which cannot be questioned. To do so, renders one a devil, or at least the modern-day equivalent of that bogey-man, the putative neo-Nazi.

How cavalier is the Associated Press in its defamation of the conservative activist Peter Gauweiler and his Christian Social Union. In an offhand fashion they are all stigmatized as Neo-Nazis. How immense is the arrogance of the media. They do not scruple to destroy the reputations of all who disagree with the state religion of our time.

But we have caught and documented their lies and character assassination. Peter Gauweiler and the Christian Social Union were termed "arch-conservatives" by the AP in 1995 when they were protesting the removal of crucifixes from the schools of Bavaria.

How is it then that they have become a "Neo-Nazi" group in the interim?

It is because the AP's definition of neo-Nazi is anyone who seeks to defend the heritage of the German people.

Mother Teresa would become a neo-Nazi in the eyes of the media if she protested the defamation of the German people.

(Look at what happened to Abbé Pierre).

Of course that wouldn't make her a neo-Nazi.

It would just show that the Associated Press is trying to cue world opinion on how to view the protesters. In psychological warfare this is called, "establishing the set and setting."

Associated Press editors are not independent and objective news sources but covert ideologues, whoring for their own dogmatic ideology and disguising the process as "media democracy at work."

Michael A. Hoffman II is a former reporter for the Associated Press in New York.

Distributed by The Campaign for Radical Truth in History

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